może jeszcze wrzucić często występujące skróty występujące na polskich i zagranicznych forach (co prawda po angielsku ale można się z tym uporać):
AoA = Audi of America
Bentley = Audi Maintenance Manual (CD format)
BPV = By-Pass Valve; part of the Audi closed-loop turbo system (see "DV" or "TT BPV")
BOV = Blow-Off Valve; part of a non-Audi or any open-loop turbo system; vents to atmosphere
CAI = Cold Air Intake
CEL = Check Engine Light
C/O = Coil-Over Struts Suspension
CP = Coil Pack
CVT = Continuously Variable Transmission (Multitronic)
DBW = Drive By Wire (also known as Electronic Throttle Control)
DP = Down Pipe(s)
DTC = Diagnostic Trouble Code (Displayed on VAG-COM)
DTS = Drive Train Stabilizer Reduces engine torsional movement. (see "TSB")
DV = Diverter Valve (see "BPV" or "TT BPV")
E-codes - Eurospec Headlamps
ECU = Engine Control Unit
EFK = Electronic Fan Kit
EMCS = Enhanced Modular Chipping System; APR software that allows users to update engine management software from their own computer
Escort = Escort Passport 8500/8500x radar detector (see "V1")
ESP = Electronic Stability Program
ET = German abbreviation for "Einpreßtiefe", which translates to offset (see "Offset")
FMIC = Front Mounted Inter-cooler
FWD = Front Wheel Drive
GB = Group Buy
Gap = 1. Distance between top of tire to bottom of fender. 2. Distance from center electrode of spark plug to the ground electrode
Garret = Shortened version of Garret Integrated Automotive Corporation (see "GIAC")
GIAC = Garret Integrated Automotive Corporation; Software engineering company that makes engine management/performance ecu chips
Haldex = The center differential used on quattro systems with transversely mounted engines (TT & A3/S3)
HID = High Intensity Discharge (see "X" & "Xenons")
IC = Inter-cooler
ICV = Idle Control Valve
I/E = Intake / Exhaust
KO3 = Turbocharger for base Audi 1.8T engine
KO4 = Turbocharger for 225hp Audi TT 1.8T engine
Krauters = German version of "Ricers"
LCD = Liquid Crystal Display
Lowers = Plastic Trim under doors (also known as side skirts)
M = Manual Transmission
MAF = Mass Air Flow Sensor
MSRP = Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price
Mod(s) = Modification(s) (in either Performance, Interior, or Exterior)
MY = Model Year
NOS = Nitrous Oxide System
O11 = Red & silver Audi Sport Symbol/Badge; found on the grille, steering wheel, and/or floor mats
OE = Original Equipment
OEM = Original Equipment Manufacture
Offset = The distance from the wheel's hub mounting surface to the centerline of the wheel (see "ET")
Q = Quattro Package
Rice = A flashy car with exterior modifications and not enough, if any, performance modifications
Ricers = Those who drive "rice" cars (see "Rice" & "Krauters")
S = Sport Package
Side Skirts = Plastic trim under doors (a.k.a. Lowers)
T = Turbo
TBB = Throttle Body Boot; A part of the turbo hose system (2.7T only)
TDI = Turbo Direct Injection; VAG Diesel Engine
THX = Thanks
Tip = Tiptronic; Automatic transmission
Torsen = (TOR= Torque & SEN= Sensing) Quattro center differential in B5 A4/S4, A6/allroad, '97+ A8/S8
Tramlining = Condition when the steering tires follow within the grooves and crowns of the road
TSB = 1. Technical Service Bulletin; 2. Transmission Stabilizer Bar (see "DTS")
TT BPV = OE By Pass Valve (Stock # - 06A 145 710 N) (see "BPV")
V1 = Valentine 1 Radar Detector (see "Escort")
VAG = Volkswagen AG
VAG-COM = Volkswagen Audi Group Computer; diagnostic software sold by Ross-Tech
Valence = front & rear plastic Trim under bumpers
VIN = Vehicle Identification Number
VVT = Variable Valve Timing
WOT = Wide Open Throttle
X = Xenon (see "HID" and "Xenon")
X-chip = ECU chip from GIAC
Xenon = Type of high intensity discharge lightbulb (see "HID" and "X")
YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary