Producent twierdzi ze najstarsza wersja poprawnie dzialajaca z Vista to 704 .

We have been testing on Vista since December of 2006. The current VCDS Release fully supports Vista (both Vista-32 and Vista-64) with a Vista-aware installer and appropriately signed USB drivers. VCDS can be downloaded here.

We will not support any older versions of VAG-COM on Windows Vista. If you get a new PC with Vista already on it, or if you upgrade an existing PC to Windows Vista, you should plan to use Release 704 or newer. Since 3rd party interfaces only work with older versions of VAG-COM, we do not support the use of them with Vista even if you have previously registered the software.

All interfaces Ross-Tech has sold in since February of 2004 are compatible with Release 704, as are many that we sold before then. If you have an older Ross-Tech interface or if you are a registered user with a 3rd-party interface, upgrades are available here.
Slyszalem ze ktos robil eksperymenty ze starszymi wersjami jednak zawsze byly wieksze lub mniejsze problemy ..
Chyba jednak najmniej problemow bedzie z bootem
