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  1. #1
    Meeting TT

    1er contact d'un TT de France

    J'espere que quelqu'un, parmi vous comprend le Fran?ais...

    Ceci est un premier contact pour vous proposer un projet de grand meeting TT International.

    Je repasserai bientot sur votre forum

    Au revoir ainting:

    PS: I can speak in English, too

  2. #2

    Feb 2003

    Re: 1er contact d'un TT de France

    Cytat Zamieszczone przez Meeting TT
    J'espere que quelqu'un, parmi vous comprend le Fran?ais...

    Ceci est un premier contact pour vous proposer un projet de grand meeting TT International.

    Je repasserai bientot sur votre forum

    Au revoir ainting:

    PS: I can speak in English, too
    Me again,
    I'm registered in your forum, now
    Here is my message:

    "Hi from France,

    Maybe some of you know our French TTClub : ClanTT
    This post is just for a 1st contact about a crazy Project we have....

    THE IDEA To put on the Stands Line of the Le Mans Circuit, a maximum of TT(we thought 150), for a "mega photo"...

    Le Mans is a symboic place for Audi, and the place woulb be an Internationnal reference for our TT's...

    We are allready 56 French TT on the list.... and now : English, Germans, Italians, spanishs, swedish.... Polish too..?

    But now, I think, it would be great to associate European Clubs, to bring it to 400 TT.....

    It takes a long time to organize this sort of challenge, and we think to the LE MANS CLASSIC 2004 for it.

    Our Club Audi is very active for this great "performance", and we could have the support and the help of great sponsors as .... no..!, let's keep surprises..!

    Until that time, we have to know if you would be interested in this CHALLENGE LE MANS ... and be on the list as well...?

    A contact forum has been created for this event :

    A English speaking lounge bar is created to welcome you....
    Franck and I, Shall inform you about the developement of this great Project...

    Register and get in.
    Post me to advice me you're from the Polish KlubTT forum, If your webmaster (or somebody from you) speaks french or english, I can create a Polish Forum on my Challenge Le Mans Forum(I'm the administrator)and we can share the informations more easily...

    Waiting news from you....


    Anyway, I 'll come back here sometimes...

  3. #3
    Cezary Magier
    oh shit!!! look guys what's going on around there!

    just in case...i'm in Philippe !!! :P
    Mr. Maciek-co ty na to ???

  4. #4

    Feb 2003
    Cytat Zamieszczone przez Cezary Magier
    oh shit!!! look guys whot's going on around there!

    just in case...i'm in Philippe !!! :P
    Mr. Maciek ???
    Just behind the Lamborghini Murcielago you show the picture, was my car

    it has changed a bit since this photo :

    We were on the same park, Lambo is a part of Audi Group now...

    if you want to see some pictures of the last LE MANS CLASSIC 2002 here is a place to see nice picsone of my websites sites)

    @Cezary Magier
    are you interested to manage a Polish forum on my Challenge forum to welcome all Polish TT owners..?
    If yes, register at it :

    and sent me a private message when you're in, I'll show you... and we can start a link with your club for this great event...

    See you

  5. #5

    Feb 2003

    Re: 1er contact d'un TT de France

    Please, Cesary, traduce my following message in Polish, for all members of your forum...

    Cytat Zamieszczone przez Philippe
    "Hi from France,

    Maybe some of you know our French TTClub : ClanTT
    This post is just for a 1st contact about a crazy Project we have....

    THE IDEA To put on the Stands Line of the Le Mans Circuit, a maximum of TT(we thought 150), for a "mega photo"...

    Le Mans is a symboic place for Audi, and the place woulb be an Internationnal reference for our TT's...

    We are allready 56 French TT on the list.... and now : English, Germans, Italians, spanishs, swedish.... Polish too..?

    But now, I think, it would be great to associate European Clubs, to bring it to 400 TT.....

    It takes a long time to organize this sort of challenge, and we think to the LE MANS CLASSIC 2004 for it.

    Our Club Audi is very active for this great "performance", and we could have the support and the help of great sponsors as .... no..!, let's keep surprises..!

    Until that time, we have to know if you would be interested in this CHALLENGE LE MANS ... and be on the list as well...?

    A contact forum has been created for this event :

    A English speaking lounge bar is created to welcome you....
    Franck and I, Shall inform you about the developement of this great Project...

    Register and get in.
    Post me to advice me you're from the Polish KlubTT forum, If your webmaster (or somebody from you) speaks french or english, I can create a Polish Forum on my Challenge Le Mans Forum(I'm the administrator)and we can share the informations more easily...

    Waiting news from you....


    Anyway, I 'll come back here sometimes...

  6. #6

    Sep 2002
    WOW !!!

    Ch?opaki co wy na to wszystko ??!!!!

  7. #7
    Cezary Magier
    dobra, wiec tlumacze :

    "Pozdrowienia z francji!
    moze niektorzy z was znaja nasz francuski klub TT "CLANTT"
    Ten post dotyczy pierwszego kontaktu odnosnie zwariowanego projektu jaki mamy...
    Pomysl polega na tym aby na slynnym torze Le Mans ustawic maxymalna liczbe TT (myslelismy o 150 sztukach) zeby zrobic "mega fotke"!
    Le Mans to jak wiecie historyczne miejsce dla Audi a co za tym idzie dla naszych TT.
    mamy juz 56 sztuk z Francji...i teraz:Angielskich,Niemieckich,Szwedzkich,Hiszpansk ich,Wloskich...czy Polskich takze?
    bylo by wspaniale polaczyc europejskie kluby tak zeby zebrac 400 tt-ek...
    zabiera to duzo czasu zeby zorganizowac tego rodzaju impreze wiec planujemy to na 2004 rok.
    Nasz klub audi jest bardzo zaangazowany w to wielkie przedsiewziecie, moglibysmy miec wsparcie i pomoc wspanialych sponsorow takich jak:...albo nie!-niech to bedzie niespodzianka!
    Do tego czasu musimy wiedziec czy bedziecie zainteresowani udzialem w tej imprezie i czy mozemy was wpisac na liste.

    Specjalnie dla tego wydarzenia stworzylismy forum zebysmy mogli sie wszyscy kontaktowac:

    Zapraszamy serdecznie na to Angielskie forum!
    Frank i ja bedziemy was informowac o tym jak sprawa sie rozwija.
    Zalogujcie sie i sami zobaczcie!

    Mozecie pisac do mnie po wszelkie wskazowki oraz jesli chcecie aby stworzyc np. Polskie forum bo jest taka mozliwosc(jestem administratorem) i tak bedzie nam najprosciej sie wymieniac informacjami. Jesli macie tez jakies sugestie dotyczace tego pomyslu tez piszcie do mnie!

    Czekam na informacje od was!


    W kazdym razie jeszcze tu wroce.
    :smilecolros: "

  8. #8
    Cezary Magier
    Salut Philippe!

    Are there always so many beautiful & great cars while your meetings?? I'm deeply impressed! If I don't go there and join you, I'll surely miss the only opportunity in my life to see those cars "live"
    One question: are there gonna be other cars during this TT-project?

    p.s. You've got a really nice car, man ! Are those the BBS or ATS?
    greetings from Polish TT-club!!

  9. #9

    Feb 2003
    Cytat Zamieszczone przez Cezary Magier
    Salut Philippe!

    Are there always so many beautiful & great cars while your meetings?? I'm deeply impressed! If I don't go there and join you, I'll surely miss the only opportunity in my life to see those cars "live"
    this not our meeting, this is the great Show of LE MANS CLASSIC (happens every 2 years) it started in 2002, it's a Club Meeting and our Audi Club was a part of it, we had on our stand the winner 2001 R8 Audi LeMans lent by Audi Tradition in Germany.
    Our parking was beetween Porsche (600 cars presents..!, I'd never seen so much at the same time) and ferrari (250 present too...!)
    here is a link (sorry in french) about the le mans classic 2002:
    (you have videos from inside AC cobra, ferrari, and Jaguar) in french: cameras embarqu?es, have fun, it's great...!

    We know quite well the organisators of Le Mans circuit and the classic. That's why I try to coincide the show and this TT Challenge. Because the renting price of the circuit would be 100 000 $ a day...!
    And If we are a lot of TT, I could convince Audi and sponsors to support few cost left.
    But LE MANS CLASSIC is THE place to see the most OLD and News Fantastic cars : Aston Martin, lotus, maserati, lamborghini, alpine, venturi, morgan, jaguar, ford gt 40, etc...

    One question: are there gonna be other cars during this TT-project?
    All the Clubs were there, a really big show with races (short) with authentic cars from 1920 to 1970 (all car racing should have been once in a 24heures du mans RACE) during 2 days. With the last successful edition, they speak now about 3 days for 2004. It's gona be great...
    I hope I live until that...

    p.s. You've got a really nice car, man ! Are those the BBS?
    Just Replica's of BBS LE MANS in 18". I paid each 250 Euros, BBS cost 600 Euros each..!
    They're German (RIAL RACING- model.Daytona Race), you should find them there:

    The design is really very close to the BBS and the quality is great too..!
    I just changed the caps, sticking A8 one's of the rial's

    greetings from Polish TT-club!!
    You have your forum on our forum, hope to see you there, you can speak in polish and english there...

    See you soon....

  10. #10
    like always... as mr President I'm two or three steps behind all the news... it happens all the time!!!
    Anyway! Philippe ,thanks for joining us and letting us join U! We are for 100% interested in Your project! Le Mans sounds really cool and we all are looking forward to driving our UFOs straight there!

    Hope to hearing from U soon!


  11. #11
    Philippe, do not hesitate to inform us as soon as You get some details, for example costs, accommodation, date, duration etc.etc.
    Thanks again.

  12. #12

    Feb 2003
    Cytat Zamieszczone przez Maciek
    ... as mr President I'm....
    Hello, my friends...
    Thank you, Mr Maciek, for your registration on my forum.

    I hope many on you, Polish TT owners will come to do the same....!

    I need you and I explain why :

    - My goal is to make a great TT meeting(the biggest in the world at the moment) in Le Mans during the Le Mans Classic (but you know allready this..!) during summer 2004 (normally in july..? to confirm for the dates)
    - I have to negociate for the occupancy of the big track to take this "super photo with 400 TT or more..." (i hope so much..!)
    - For those who make the big effort to come from Far away (for example, you..!), I will try to get from the sponsors that i will appeal to, some advantages...about the entrance price in Le Mans Classic, or food on the stand, we'll see......
    - for all these negociations, we must show the sponsors our strength, our weight and our motivation......
    - so more you are on the list , on our forum, and more I can negociate because I shall show them the forums motivation... to convince them to parti****te for their communication to this global event...!

    This is the same for the germans, englishs, italians, spanish, swedish, belgics, dutchs and the frenchs.

    Remember it is really a big Challenge with hard work for me....
    I want it to success and everyone of you will be (if it works..!) also very proud to have been there that day...!

    Please ask to your members to post on the polish challenge forum as important your club is....
    Mr Maciek, you speak english and you seem to be the president of this club.
    So I name you as the moderator and you will be my contact for the news... OK ..? I'll come sometimes here also.

    Never forget, you are an important part of this event as us.....


    PS: For the joke: we have a californian from Los Angeles who saw my message on an english forum......He, seriously wants to ship over his car to come for the event...! Crazy and passionned Americans...!

  13. #13
    OK, copy that!
    It seems to be a huge case, so we will do everything we can to support it! Take care!

    Atakujcie forum francuskie (polski segmencik) i rejestrujcie si? ochoczo!
    B?d?cie aktywni i propagujcie nasz skromny klubik, a mo?e uda nam si? dotrze? do Le Mans w 2004!!!! YEAH!

  14. #14

    Feb 2003

    NO NEWS....?

    What happens...?

    No more news about you, our new TT's friends...!

    Only 7 TT in poland....?

    Do you know other TT Club in Poland or other Eastern Countries...?

  15. #15
    hello Philippe!
    I think that if 7 cars will go from Poland then that will be anyways fine...
    we are the only club in Poland.
    we still have much time!
    I think that more people will join us if they know the costs, accomodation etc.
    greetings for you&your friend!

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