Cytat Zamieszczone przez michal26 Zobacz posta
Koledzy probowalem dzis wgrac mape orginala zamiast tego niby programu ktory mam , pojawil sie nastepujacy blad :

Starting slow init connection.
Connecting to address 0x01.
Slow init succeeded.
KWP1281 connect info: 8N0906018AE 1.8L R4/5VT 0001
Connecting to address 0x01.
Slow init succeeded.
Switching to KWP2000 session.
Disabling Windows sleep mode.
Reading ECU flash memory.
ECU reports programming session preconditions have been met.
Negotiating communication timings.
Successfully changed to new communication timings.
Requesting security access.
ECU reports that security access is not supported.
Starting diagnostic session.
Successfully started diagnostic session.
Negotiating communication timings.
Reading ECU flash memory failed.
Disconnecting because no response was received for the Tester Present message.

Auto bylo oczywiscie podlaczone pod prostownik
Nie wiem czy juz cos wiesz, grzebalem troche na ten temat wiecej i chyba wczesniej zle to troche zrozumialem. Wychodzi na to , ze niektore (wieksze, lepsze) firmy tuningowe sa troche cwansze i zabezpieczaja sie przed mozliwoscia ingerencji w ich soft.
